Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Why The Answer Isn’t Extreme Dieting

Why “Diets” Don’t Work

Losing or maintaining a healthy weight is very common goal. So much so, that new “diets” are created all the time to help people achieve this goal. If you search for the best diet, you will have a variety of options pop up, including Keto, Low Carb, Low Fat, Paleo, Whole 30, Atkin’s, the list goes on and on! According to Phycology Today, people think of these diets as “temporary and highly restrictive programs of eating in order to lose weight.” Since they begin the program with the idea that it is temporary, there really is no long-term benefits. In fact, restrictive diets can lead to long-term negative effects. Restrictive programs cut out entire food groups and can lead to obsessive behaviors, eating disorders, mental health issues, and additional weight gain. These effects essentially eliminate all the health benefits associated with living a heathy lifestyle.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight

While it is not seen as a “magic potion,” or a new and easy weight loss solution, the best way to lose and maintain a healthy weight is by living a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating whole, nutritious foods and staying active. To help her clients achieve their goal, dietitian Maggie Gough, RD created 5 food rules that were recently published in WELCOA‘s Well Balanced Newsletter:

  1. Nutrition: Remember that the purpose of food is to nourish your body. Before eating something, take the time to rue mindful and ask yourself if the food you have chosen is nutritious.
  2. Enjoyment: Food is meant to be enjoyed, so don’t cause yourself stress over finding and forcing yourself to eat super foods or trendy foods. Instead, focus on finding healthy foods that you really enjoy and build nutritious meals out of them.
  3. Plating: As you plate your meals, aim to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Then, fill the other half with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This will help you get your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, help keep you full, and help you feel your best.
  4. Shopping: It all starts at the grocery store! Stock up on all your favorite fruits and vegetables, aim to shop the outside isles as much as possible, and pay attention to food labels to help you avoid added sugars.
  5. Planning: Making.a meal plan for the week, and even meal prepping, can help tremendously. It makes you stick to a list while shopping and leaves no gaps or confusion on what to eat during the week, which leaves less room for temptation.
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