A Thriving Work Environment
According to Mercer, a thriving workforce is one that is diverse and adaptable with a wide range of capabilities. All employees feel the organization is fully invested in their well-being and teams work together to bring out the best in each individual. However, creating this kind of work environment within your organization is not something that happens overnight. It takes commitment and a purposeful strategy. In Mercer’s 2018 report, ” Thriving in an Age of Disruption: Putting People at the Heart of Change” their researchers discuss the 4 steps to achieving a thriving work environment.
4 Steps to Achieving a Thriving Work Environment
- Create a future-focused people strategy. Bring together all of your organization’s talent, include leveraging insights, consider the evolution of both the organization and the work culture, and remember to keep it “people-centric.”
- Curate a compelling employee value proposition. The report states, “Two in five workers believe their company’s EVP is neither compelling nor differentiated.” This means there is a great opportunity for improvement. Talk with your employees about their wants and needs and what motivates them.
- Focus on leadership. Creating a thriving work environment relies on strong and committed leaders. Leaders should embrace the the 5 thriving cultural drivers: trust, transparency, inclusion, contentedness, and accessibility.
- Cultivate a lab mindset. Maintaining the status quo in today’s day and age leads companies to fall behind. Instead, encourage employees to experiment, ask questions, and take risks in order to build a thriving culture of continuous learning.
Click here to download the full report from Mercer!