National Public Health Week 2021

National Public Health Week

During the first full week of April each year, the American Public Health Association (APHA) brings together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week (NPHW). This year, NPHW will be held from April 5-11, 2021. This is the time to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation’s health.

Every year, the APHA develops a national campaign to educate the public, policymakers and practitioners about issues related to each year’s theme. COVID-19 has made it necessary for us to socially distance, but this year it is more important than ever for us all to come together. That is why this year’s NPHW’s theme is “Building Bridges to Better Health.”

How to Get Involved

Join us and the APHA in observing National Public Health Week 2021 and become part of a growing movement to create the healthiest nation in one generation. Listed below are ways you can get involved!

  • The APHA creates new NPHW materials and toolkits each year that can be used during and after NPHW to raise awareness about public health and prevention. Check them out here!
  • Even though we can’t gather in person, the APHA is utilizing social media and virtual platforms to help us all connect, create and take action. Since NPHW 2021 will take place completely virtually from April 5-11, 2021, be sure to check out their events page for a full list of events you can RSVP for each day.
  • Continue to thank public health for all the hard work everyone’s doing to keep our communities safe.
  • Start new conversations with family members, friends and neighbors and become advocates for positive change.
  • Follow along with this year’s daily themes and fact sheets and share that information on your social media channels.
  • Within the workplace, partner across public and private sectors to make sure decisions are made with the public’s health in mind.

To learn more about National Public Health Week, click here!

For additional information, news, blogs, articles or interviews please contact us at 904-285 2019
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