What Performance Management Could Be

The New Viewpoint

A recent SHRM article brought up a great point about annual employee performance reviews. It stated, “Annual performance discussion is kind of like waiting a year to tell your spouse what you appreciate about them.” Performance management enables employee effectiveness, improves employee engagement, develops talent, and ensure retention of top performers through career transparency and growth opportunities. However, times are changing and annual performance management may not be enough.

Focus on Development

This article suggests that organizations should switch the focus for managers to developing their employees versus giving them “feedback.” This means instead of just telling employees whether they are meeting or exceeding expectations, you give managers tools and insights to help them be more effective in their conversations with employees. Make it a discussion about development and create career transparency by showing them what actions will help them grow. This will help them feel connected to and appreciated by the organization, which will in turn improve performance and engagement.

For more information on performance management and its positive effects on employee engagement and growth, click here!

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