The Need For Well-Being Leaders
Wellness programs continue to grow in popularity each year. According to this 2018 report by Robert Half, 66%, of human resources managers reported that they implemented or expanded on their wellness programs in the past five years. Wellness programs are extremely beneficial in terms of improved employee health, increased productivity and job satisfaction, and the overall success of the organization. However, results are only seen if employees are engaged with the wellness program, which is the biggest challenge of any program. One proven method in increasing wellness program engagement is to empower managers to be Well-Being Leaders.
The Role of Managers
In the State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders, Gallup estimated that managers are responsible for least 70% of the variance in overall employee engagement, including in wellness programs. This is because managers have a direct impact on employees. They spend the most time around employees and are more relateable than executives and CEOs. The best way to capitalize on a managers position is to empower them as well-being leaders. When employees see managers participating in the wellness program, making healthy lifestyle choices, making time for personal health, and talking openly about health, it encourages them to do the same.
Tips for Well-Being Leaders
Well-being leaders have strong relationships with employees and truly care about their overall well-being. This allows them to foster change and reinforce positive, healthy choices each and everyday. Here are some tips on how to be a well-being leader from Achievers:
1. One-on-One Meetings: Schedule frequent meetings with each employee and really listen. Also, encourage an open dialogue and discuss their projects, tasks or roadblocks. This will help build a better relationship with each employee.
2. Communicate About Personal Well-Being: When a manager communicates about their own well-being priorities and goals, as well as their plan to reach those goals, it helps employees feel more determined to accomplish their own health goals.
3. Send Support and Encouragement: Sending thank you cards, supportive emails, or real-time recognition, is a great for managers to show they care and further build relationships and promote engagement.
4. Know Your Team: To really understand what motivates each employee, it is necessary to get to know them on a personal level. Learning about their family, goals, and challenges will help managers know how to motivate them and keep them engaged.
5. Provide Career Development and Training: Training and development programs are a great way to invest in employees and show them you care about their success.
6. Trust Employees: Assume positive intent from employees and give them more control over their projects and schedules. Trusting employees to get their work done on a schedule that works for them increases their engagement and their trust in you as a manager.
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