Wellness Technology: What’s the Big Deal?
You have probably noticed the increasing number of articles and studies related to wellness technology being released each year, and you might be wondering what the big deal is. Well, like many other things, technology is the future of wellness programs. According to CoreHealth Technologies, incorporating wellness technology helps to more efficiently develop and deliver wellness programs, more accurately asses the health risks of employees, and it even helps motivate and engage employees. Another reason wellness technology is so important is because it helps to precisly track the results and ROI of your wellness programs, as well as participation levels.
Features of Wellness Technology
Technology and innovation go hand in hand, therefore, technology is always evolving. As of right now, these are the main, beneficial features of wellness technology.
- Health Challenges. When it comes to wellness technology, health challenges are often a favorite among employees and employers a like. Wellness technology allows you to create personal or individual challenges as well as buddy and team challenges. It is a great way to increase participation, and most platforms provide an easy way to track challenge progress.
- Communication. Wellness technology provides a great platform for communication, and it often drives engagement as well. Everything from message boards to push notifications make communication about health related topics so much more accessible.
- Health Information. Wellness technology provides a platform to more effectively deliver health content, either that you created or from another reputable source, to your employees.
- Health Assessments. Health assessments play a huge role in identifying and lowering health risks. With wellness technology, you can easily create and distribute health assessments or questionnaires, as well as analyze the results.
- Biometric Screenings: We believe that the data gathered from biometric testing is crucial for results-oriented wellness programs and wellness technology creates a place to properly schedule and store this data.
- Health Coaching Tools. One-on-one health coaching is an extremely effective component of wellness programs. Wellness technology gives health coaches access to the best tools and allows them to also provide health coaching virtually.
- Encouragement. Wellness technology is also great for encouraging employees through their health journey because you can manage an incentive program or even use it to give recognition.
Our wellness platform, created through CoreHealth Technologies, includes these features! For more information, please contact us!
Upcoming Wellness Technology Trends
To ensure your wellness program continues to be successful, it is important to incorporate wellness technology. From there, keeping that technology up to date with the most recent trends is the best way to ensure your wellness program remains relevant and engaging for employees. With the in mind, here are the four upcoming wellness technology trends for 2019 mentioned in this MediKeeper report.
1. Intelligent Personalization. Personalization has already proven to be a great way to get employees engaged. With Intelligent Personalization it just takes it a step further with targeted messages and wellness offerings.
2. Social Recognition. Recognition is another proven way to improve the employee experience. Now, incorporating recognition into social platforms will help motivate employees and encourage a positive, team oriented wellness experience.
3. Virtual Wellness. With flexible work arrangements gaining in popularity, so is virtual wellness. Making sure your platform is accessible from any device and in any location is very important for higher participation levels.
4. Smart Analytics. Analytics have always been a major part in measuring a wellness program’s success, but now they are even smarter and more elaborate.
For more information on wellness technology and why it is important, check out this comprehensive guide from CoreHealth Technologies!