Health Designs Services

Wellbeing Coaching

Our expert coaches meet participants where they are. By focusing on the individual and their unique objectives, our coaches support participants in moving from knowing to doing.

This allows the opportunity for meaningful behavior change that fits their lifestyle and goals, and establishes measurable outcomes.

Empowering transformation, personalized coaching.

Our coaches focus on holistic individual well-being, in a manner consistent with the culture of your organization. Our team of health and wellness experts use Intrinsic Coaching to deliver:

  • Self-identified well-being goals
  • Accountability
  • Encouragement
  • Feedback

Self-identified well-being goals

Self-identified well-being goals refer to the personal aspirations and objectives an individual sets for themselves to enhance their overall well-being. These goals are unique to each person, as they are based on their own understanding of what brings them fulfillment, contentment, and a sense of balance in life.

By identifying and acknowledging their specific well-being goals, individuals take an active role in shaping their own journey towards a healthier and happier life. Whether it involves physical fitness, mental clarity, emotional resilience, or cultivating positive relationships, self-identified well-being goals empower individuals to prioritize their own needs and invest in activities and practices that contribute to their holistic well-being.

By aligning their actions with these self-identified goals, individuals can cultivate a sense of purpose, motivation, and personal growth, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Self-identified well-being goals are all about you


In accountability coaching, the coach serves as a supportive partner who helps individuals stay focused, motivated, and on track with their intentions.

The coach establishes a structured framework that includes regular check-ins, progress assessments, and action planning. Through open and honest communication, the coach holds the coachee accountable for their actions, commitments, and progress. They help identify obstacles, explore solutions, and provide guidance to overcome challenges.

By fostering a sense of ownership and consequence, accountability coaching empowers individuals to take charge of their actions and results. It creates a safe and non-judgmental space where individuals can reflect, learn, and grow, while receiving encouragement and feedback from their coach. Ultimately, accountability coaching promotes personal growth, achievement, and the successful attainment of goals.


Encouragement plays a vital role in the coaching process as it provides individuals with the support and motivation they need to push beyond their comfort zones and reach their full potential. Coaching can sometimes involve challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt, which can hinder progress and demotivate individuals. In such instances, encouragement serves as a powerful tool to uplift, inspire, and instill confidence.

By offering genuine praise, acknowledging progress, and highlighting strengths, coaches help individuals believe in their abilities and persevere through obstacles. Encouragement fosters a positive mindset, boosts self-esteem, and enhances resilience. It creates a nurturing and empowering environment where individuals feel safe to take risks, learn from failures, and keep moving forward.

Additionally, encouragement builds trust and rapport between coach and coachee, establishing a strong foundation for a collaborative and transformative coaching relationship. Ultimately, by providing consistent and uplifting encouragement, coaches empower individuals to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and achieve meaningful and sustainable personal growth.


Reflection in coaching is a powerful tool that focuses on the individual’s growth and development. It involves providing valuable information and guidance to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, areas for improvement, and the impact of their actions.

Reflection is a gift that coaches offer to nurture personal growth and enhance self-awareness. It is delivered in a compassionate and supportive manner, emphasizing the positive aspects of the individual’s progress while also highlighting opportunities for growth. By offering constructive feedback, coaches help individuals recognize their potential, build confidence, and overcome obstacles.

This people-oriented approach fosters a sense of trust, respect, and partnership, creating a safe space where individuals can openly receive feedback and actively engage in their own development. Through meaningful and impactful reflection, coaches empower individuals to continuously learn, adapt, and thrive in their personal and professional endeavors.



Our customers speak for themselves. Discover the transformative experiences they’ve had with through our heartfelt testimonials. Hear their stories and see the impact we’ve made on their well-being.

Most impressive is that they have managed to succeed at the hard part… the piece of wellness that most shy away from – individual behavior change. Time after time they have demonstrated results through their unique one on one coaching strategy. They get sticky with their clients because they care, and it shows in the loyalty they breed with all of their partners.”

Michaela Stone


Having support from a Health Designs Coach at work has brought a lot of value for me. Meeting with my coach, even telephonically, has been beneficial for ideas, accountability, and motivation to continue on in my journey to reach my big health goals. So far I’ve lost 110lbs and that accomplishment has given me the confidence to believe that I can keep my healthy weight and habits long term

Jared Vasquez

Most impressive is that they have managed to succeed at the hard part… the piece of wellness that most shy away from – individual behavior change. Time after time they have demonstrated results through their unique one on one coaching strategy. They get sticky with their clients because they care, and it shows in the loyalty they breed with all of their partners.”

Michaela Stone

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Some of our valued clients